The green transition and the associated reduction in CO2 emissions greatly affects the transport sector, where different solutions must be implemented in the future. Electric vehicles are expected to dominate the light vehicle sector, but electric batteries have a low energy density, which limits their use in heavy transport. Therefore, liquid sustainable biofuels are necessary for heavy long-distance transport. Interest in green methanol and other sustainable biofuels has therefore increased significantly in recent years.
CCU-HUB AALBORG supports the Power-to-X value chain and will promote the expansion of the existing infrastructure so that hydrogen and CO2 are converted into green fuel in the form of methanol for use in the transport sector.
Therefore, after the end of the project, there will be:
- Established 3 new methanol filling stations in the Aalborg area.
- Relocation and planned scaling of methanol demonstration plant.
- Business model for expansion of necessary RE and access to CO2, in collaboration with relevant actors, including Aalborg Municipality.
- Complete design of 300MW methanol plant.
- Frameworks for expansion of RE and access to CO2 in the Aalborg area have been determined.
- European Energy's intentions for significant plant investments in RE and methanol production in Aalborg can be realised.
- Increased testing and development in connection with the methanol demonstration plant at the Port of Aalborg.
- Ongoing demonstration, operation and optimization of methanol infrastructure, incl. vehicles and gas stations.
- European Energy
- Port of Aalborg
- Aalborg Airport
- Circle K
- Green Hydrogen Systems
- Blue World Technologies
- Aalborg Portland
- Evida
- N1
Hear more about the project
Read more about the project herer or contact Maria Kristiansen, Project Manager, Energy Cluster Denmark at