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Green and efficient energy technology on its way to construction sites and cultural events

Construction sites (and their surrounding environments) as well as concerts and upper cultural events without noisy and polluting diesel-based generators may soon become a reality in Denmark. The innovation project 'Deployable Green Power Solution', which has just been kicked off in North Jutland, is to test and demonstrate a sustainable, green and efficient substitute for diesel generators and green battery solutions.

The project brings together partners across the entire value chain from both development, production and customers and runs until 2026 as part of the North Jutland business lighthouse, CO2Vision

Flexible and scalable solution

The project is based on further innovation of well-known technology from North Jutland Advent's commercial HTPEM (High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cell solution for a system that has the same performance as a traditional diesel generator, but with a significant reduction in pollution.

The system, which is integrated into smaller units or as a container solution, runs on green methanol, and thus becomes a flexible, sustainable solution with many possible applications. In relation to operation, the solution is extremely easy-to-handle and logistics-friendly compared to e.g. 100% battery solution that will not have to be moved ad hoc in connection with charging, but instead has an integrated tank.

"The innovation project has great potential. The many possibilities of use for e.g. cultural events and construction sites offer high potential and an energy technology with a scalable solution," he says Maria Kristiansen, Project Manager in CO2Vision from Energy Cluster Denmark.


Generates power as needed and without waste

The generator is modular in capacity and delivers power adapted to needs, i.e. the solution adapts the amount of power generation as needed and thus avoids unnecessary waste, which is unfortunately the case with many current solutions on the market, says development director from Advent Technologies, Søren Juhl Andreasen.

Advent's green generator converts green methanol into electrical energy right where it is needed. It can be in connection with construction work where the construction site is continuously moving, or in the early phases of construction, where access to the electricity grid has not yet been established, or only to a limited extent.

Furthermore, the system is largely silent and vibration-free, so it is not a nuisance to any nearby residents. It also allows the system to run outside normal working hours, without being a nuisance to the local environment.

The physical framework for the technology is provided by North Jutland's Elektro Gruppen, who are excited to once again contribute to climate-responsible solutions.

"This is a project that we are proud to be a part of. Innovation and sustainability have been in focus throughout the entire process, and with the project's good partnerships, we will reach our goal strongly. In Elektro Gruppen we work, among other things. to help our business partners and customers realize their green solutions," says René Mørk Sand, department manager in Automation and Board Production at Elektro Gruppen.

Advents kommercielle HTPEM (High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane) brændselscelleløsning

Expect testing and demonstration in summer 2024

The green generator solution is expected to be ready for the first test and demonstration as early as summer 24, where it can be seen in action i.a. at Aalborg Event's annual recurring event Aalborg Regatta.

According to event manager from Aalborg Events, Keld Rud Nielsen, it is only natural for the municipality to keep up with the times and ensure conversion to greener solutions:

"In Aalborg Municipality, we want to be at the forefront with our events. We don't just want to deliver the best experiences. They must also be sustainable. That we as a municipality house world-leading green energy technology developers and networks to support it is a huge plus. This innovation project is big for us on several parameters.”

Kulturevent i Aalborg

Can support electrification of construction projects

Can support electrification of construction projects

In addition to concerts and cultural events, the generator can also support energy needs on construction sites for the electrification of mechanical vehicles, toilet vans, etc. And within the Danish construction industry in particular, there is currently increasing demand. In December 2023, i.a. met 14 of the country's largest public builders and signed a statement of intent stating that in future they will make it a requirement that contractors use emission-free electrically powered work machines in building and construction projects.

At Advent Technologies, the growing willingness across several industries to implement green electrification and increased demand for easy access to charging with green energy is experienced.

"The timing matches our maturing of the technology and ability to deliver such scalable mobile energy solutions. There is a great need for tests and demonstrations within the area and this innovation project may thus prove to be an important piece of the puzzle. And it is strong that we can stand together to bring it to life," says Esben Overgaard Hansen, Business Development Director from Advent Technologies.

The project's partners are:

Advent Technologies A/S, Elektro Gruppen A/S, Aalborg Events and Hydrogen Valley. The project is co-financed by EU funds and is part of the North Jutland business lighthouse, CO2Vision.

The article was prepared by Hydrogen Valley.

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The CO2 Vision consortium